QNAP RAID System Errors & How To Fix
I – Introduction
II – How to Fix if RAID seems “In Degreed”
III – How to Fix if RAID seems “In Degreed Mode, Read Only, Failed Drive(s) x” Cases;
IV – How to Fix if RAID Becomes “Unmounted” or “Not Active”
V – “Recover” Doesnt Work, How to Fix if RAID Becomes “Unmounted” or “Not Active”
VI – Stuck at Booting / Starting Sevices, Please Wait / Cant Even Login Qnap Interface
VII – IF “config_util 1″ Command gives “Mirror of Root Failed” Eror;
VIII – How to Fix “Broken RAID” Scenario
IX – If None of These Guides Works;
I – Introduction;
Warning : This documents are recomended for Professional users only. If you dont know what you’r doing, you may damage your RAID which cause loosing data. Qnapsupport Taiwan works great to solve this kind of RAID corruptions easly, and My advice is directly contact with them at this kind of cases.
1 – If documetn says “Plug out HDD and Plug in” always use original RAID HDD at the same slot. Dont use new HDDs!
2 – If you can access your data after these process, backup them quickly.
3 – You can loose data on Hardware RAID devices and other NAS brands, but nearly you cant loose data on Qnap, but recovering your datas may cause time lost, so Always double backup recomended for future cases.
4 – If one of your HDD’s cause Qnap to restart itself when you plug in to NAS, Dont use that HDD to solve these kind of cases.
This document is not valid for Qnap Ts-109 / Ts-209 / Ts-409 & Sub Models.
II -How to Fix if RAID seems “In Degreed”
If your RAID system seems as down below, use this document. If not, Please dont try anything in this document:
In this case, RAID information seems “RAID 5 Drive 1 3″ so, your 2.th HDD is out of RAID. Just plug out broken HDD from 2.Th HDD slot, wait around 15 seconds, and Plug in new HDD with the same size.
III -How to Fix if RAID seems “In Degreed Mode, Read Only, Failed Drive(s) x” Cases;
If your system seems In Degraded, Failed Drive X, you probably loose more HDD than RAID tolerated, so;
1 – Take your Backup,
2 – Re-Install Qnap From Begining.
Qnap data protection features doesnt let you loose data even if your 5 HDD gives Bad sector errors in 6 HDD RAID Systems.
IV – How to Fix if RAID Becomes “Unmounted” or “Not Active”
If your RAID system seems as the picture down below, fallow this document. If not, Please dont try anything in this document:
1 – Update your Qnap fimware with Qnapfinder 3.7.2 or higher firmware. Just go to Disk Managment -> RAID managment. Choose your RAID and press “Recover” to fix.
If this doesnt work and “Recover” button is still avaible, just fullow these steps;
1 – While device is still working, Plug out HDD that you suspect which maybe broken, and press Recover button again.
2 – If you plug out HDD —> then Plug it in the same slot again —> Press “Recover” Once Again and it should repair RAID;
3 – Here is log files;
4 – And RAID systems comes back with “Indegreed Mode”, so just quickly backup your datas, and Reinstall Qnap without broken HDD again.
We loose 2 HDD from RAID 5, so its impossable to fix this RAID again. Just Re-install.
V – “Recover” Doesnt Work, How to Fix if RAID Becomes “Unmounted” or “Not Active”
1 – Download Putty & login Qnap,
2 – Make sure the raid status is active
To understant, type :
#more /proc/mdstat
Also If you want to Stop Running Services;
# /etc/init.d/services.sh stop
Unmount the volume:
# umount /dev/md0
Stop the array:
# mdadm -S /dev/md0
Now Try This command
For RAID 5 with 4 HDD’s
mdadm -CfR –assume-clean /dev/md0 -l 5 -n 4 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3 /dev/sdc3 /dev/sdd3
-l 5 : means RAID 5. If its RAID 6, try -l 6;
-n 4 means number of your HDDs, If you have 8 HDD, try –n 8
/dev/sda3 means your first HDD.
/dev/sdd3 means your 4.th HDD
If you have RAID 6 with 8 HDD, change command line with this;
mdadm -CfR –assume-clean /dev/md0 -l 6 -n 8 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3 /dev/sdc3 /dev/sdd3 /dev/sde3 /dev/sdf3 /dev/sdg3 /dev/sdh3
If one of your HDD has Hardware Error, which cause Qnap restart itself, plug out that HDD, and type “missing” command for that HDD;
Example, if your 2.th HDD is broken, use this command;
# mdadm -CfR –assume-clean /dev/md0 -l 5 -n 4 /dev/sda3 missing /dev/sdc3 /dev/sdd3
3 – try manually mount
# mount /dev/md0 /share/MD0_DATA -t ext3
# mount /dev/md0 /share/MD0_DATA -t ext4
# mount /dev/md0 /share/MD0_DATA -o ro (read only)
4 – So, Result Should be Like That;
VI – Stuck at Booting / Starting Sevices, Please Wait / Cant Even Login Qnap Interface
Just Plug out broken HDD and restart Qnap again. This should restarts Qnap back again.
If you’r not sure which HDD is broken, Please follw this steps;
1 – Power Off the NAS.
2 – Plug out All HDDs,
3 – Start Qnap without HDDs,
4 – Qnapfinder Should find Qnap in a few minutes. Now, Plug in all HDD’s back again same slots.
5 – Download Putty from this link and login with admin / admin usernam / password;
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgta … nload.html
6 – Type this command lines which I marked blue;
# config_util 1 -> If result of this command give “Root Failed” dont go on and contact with Qnapsupport team
# storage_boot_init 1 ->
# df -> IF dev/md9 (HDA_ROOT) seems full, please contact with Qnapsupport.
(Now, you can Reboot your device with this command. ıf you want to reset your configration, please skip this.)
# reboot
VII – IF “config_util 1″ Command gives “Mirror of Root Failed” Eror;
1 – Power Off the NAS.
2 – Plug out All HDDs,
3 – Start Qnap without HDDs,
4 – Qnapfinder Should find Qnap in a few minutes. Now, Plug in all HDD’s back again same slots.
5 – Download Putty from this link and login with admin / admin usernam / password;
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgta … nload.html
6 – Type this command lines which I marked blue;
# storage_boot_init 2 -> (this time type storage_boot_init 2, not storage_boot_init 1)
This command should turn Qnap back to last “Indegreed” Mode and you should get this kind of information after this command:
7 – Download Winscp and Login Qnap. Go to ->share ->MD0_DATA folder, and backup your datas Quickly.
VIII – How to Fix “Broken RAID” Scenario
First, I try to fix “Recovery” method, but doesnt work. At Qnap RAID managment menu, I check All HDDs, But all of them seems good. So I Login with Putty, and type these commands;
mdadm -E /dev/sda3
mdadm -E /dev/sdb3
mdadm -E /dev/sdc3
mdadm -E /dev/sdd3
Except first HDD, other 3 HDD’s doesn have md superblock; Also I try “config_util 1” & “storage_boot_init 2” commands, but both of them gives error;
Costumer got RAID 5 (-l 5) with 4 HDD (-n 4), so ı type this command;
# mdadm -CfR –assume-clean /dev/md0 -l 5 -n 4 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3 /dev/sdc3 /dev/sdd3
then mount with this command;
# mount /dev/md0 /share/MD0_DATA -t ext4
And works perfect.
Also here is Putty Steps;
login as: admin
admin@′s password:
[~] # mdadm -E /dev/sda3
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00
UUID : 2d2ee77d:045a6e0f:438d81dd:575c1ff3
Creation Time : Wed Jun 6 20:11:14 2012
Raid Level : raid5
Used Dev Size : 1951945600 (1861.52 GiB 1998.79 GB)
Array Size : 5855836800 (5584.56 GiB 5996.38 GB)
Raid Devices : 4
Total Devices : 4
Preferred Minor : 0
Update Time : Fri Jan 11 10:24:40 2013
State : clean
Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0
Checksum : 8b330731 – correct
Events : 0.4065365
Layout : left-symmetric
Chunk Size : 64K
Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
this 0 8 3 0 active sync /dev/sda3
0 0 8 3 0 active sync /dev/sda3
1 1 8 19 1 active sync /dev/sdb3
2 2 8 35 2 active sync /dev/sdc3
3 3 8 51 3 active sync /dev/sdd3
[~] # mdadm -E /dev/sdb3
mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdb3.
[~] # mdadm -CfR –assume-clean /dev/md0 -l 5 -n 4 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3 /dev/sdc3 /dev/sdd3
mdadm: /dev/sda3 appears to contain an ext2fs file system
size=1560869504K mtime=Fri Jan 11 10:22:54 2013
mdadm: /dev/sda3 appears to be part of a raid array:
level=raid5 devices=4 ctime=Wed Jun 6 20:11:14 2012
mdadm: /dev/sdd3 appears to contain an ext2fs file system
size=1292434048K mtime=Fri Jan 11 10:22:54 2013
mdadm: array /dev/md0 started.
[~] # more /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1] [raid10] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [multipath]
md0 : active raid5 sdd3[3] sdc3[2] sdb3[1] sda3[0]
5855836800 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]
md4 : active raid1 sda2[2](S) sdd2[0] sdc2[3](S) sdb2[1]
530048 blocks [2/2] [UU]
md13 : active raid1 sda4[0] sdc4[3] sdd4[2] sdb4[1]
458880 blocks [4/4] [UUUU]
bitmap: 0/57 pages [0KB], 4KB chunk
md9 : active raid1 sda1[0] sdc1[3] sdd1[2] sdb1[1]
530048 blocks [4/4] [UUUU]
bitmap: 1/65 pages [4KB], 4KB chunk
unused devices:
[~] # mount /dev/md0 /share/MD0_DATA -t ext4
[~] #
Here is Result;
IX – If None of These Guides Works;
For rarely, I cant solve these kind of problems on Qnap. and sometimes I plug HDD’s to another Qnap to solve these kind of problems.
User different Qnap which has different hardware to solve this kind of cases!;
When you plug HDD, and restart device, Qnap will ask you to to Migrate or Reinstall Qnap, choose “Migrate” Option.
In this case, Qnap coulnt boot at Ts-659 Pro, putty commands doesnt work and we cant even enter Qnap admin interface;
HDD’s couldnt boot from Ts-659 Pro, but after installing different device (At this case, I plug them to Ts-509 Pro) device boots fine. But of course you must use 6 or more HDD supported Qnap to save your datas.
So, If evertything fails, Just try these process with another Qnap.
Obtained from this link
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